Prennial Flower – Evening Primrose


Evening Primrose, or Hooker’s Evening Primrose (Oenothera elata) is native to California and much of the Western United States. Plants grow up to three feet, with profuse yellow blooms that open from June through September that are always surrounded by pollinators. This Evening Primrose grows happily in full sun and in soil that’s been disturbed. Plants are quite drought resistant and would well for xeriscape landscaping. Seeds scatter and these biennial perennials will take over. ~200 seeds

Certified Organic by CCOF

Evening Primrose, or Hooker’s Evening Primrose (Oenothera elata) is native to California and much of the Western United States. Plants grow up to three feet, with profuse yellow blooms that open from June through September that are always surrounded by pollinators. This Evening Primrose grows happily in full sun and in soil that’s been disturbed. Plants are quite drought resistant and would well for xeriscape landscaping. Seeds scatter and these biennial perennials will take over. ~200 seeds

Certified Organic by CCOF


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